Class 10 Science: Case Study Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements PDF Download

In CBSE Class 10 Science Paper, Students will have to answer some questions based on Assertion and Reason. There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given.

Here we are providing you with Class 10 Science Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements Case Study Questions, by practicing this Case Study and Passage Based Questions will help you in your Class 10th Board Exam.

Case Study Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements

Case Study/Passage Based Questions

Question 1:

Group VII A elements are strong non-metals because they can easily accept an electron to form an anion whereas group 1 A elements are strong metals because they can very easily lose one electron to form cation.

Metals have the tendency to lose their valence electrons and form positive ions, so metallic character is related to the ionization potential. Elements having low ionization potential, lose electrons easily. Thus, a metallic character generally decreases across a period and increases down a group.

(i) The nonmetallic character on moving along a period –
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) depends on the period
(d) remains the same

Answer: (a) increases

(ii) Group 1 and group 2 elements are considered as strong metals because
(a) they have incomplete octet.
(b) they can easily gain electrons.
(c) they can easily lose electrons.
(d) they form anions.

Answer: (c) they can easily lose electrons.

(iii) Which of the following is the correct decreasing order of metallic character?
(a) Ca > Sc > Ti > K
(b) K > Ca > Sc > Ti
(c) K > Sc > Ca > Ti
(d) Ti > Sc > Ca > K

Answer: (b) K > Ca > Sc > Ti (On moving along a period metallic character decreases.)

Question 2:

After the discovery of large number of elements it became necessary to classify them and arrange them in a regular manner in order of their periodic properties. In 1817, Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner tried to arrange the elements with similar properties into groups. He identified some groups of three elements having similar physical and chemical properties, known as Dobereiners triads. In 1865, John Newlands arranged all known elements in the order of increasing atomic masses and found that the properties of every eighth element are similar to the properties of the first element.

(i) If CI, Br, I is a Dobereiners triad and the atomic masses of CI and I are 35.5 and 127 respectively, then the atomic mass of Br is

(a) 162.5(b) 91.5
(c) 81.25(d) 45.625

Answer: (c)81.25

(ii) Example of Dobereiner’s triad is

(a) Li, AI, Ca(b) Li,Na, K
(c) Li, K, Na(d) K, AI, Ca

Answer: (b) Li,Na, K

(iii) A and B are two elements having similar properties which obey Newlands’ law of octaves. How many elements are there in between A and B?

(a) 7(b) 8
(c) 5(d) 6

Answer: (d) 6

(iv) According to the Newlands’ law of octaves, the properties of magnesium are similar to those of

(a) beryllium(b) lithium
(c) sodium(d) potassium

Answer: (a) beryllium

(v) On what basis the elements are arranged in Dobereiner’s triad?

(a) Atomic number(b) Atomic mass
(c) Number of neutrons(d) Number of electrons

Answer: (b) Atomic mass

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